Monday, November 7, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things: Kinsey Edition

Hey there!

I know I've dragged out these favorite things posts for a while now, but today is the final post! I have a lot of favorite things, but again--I'm going to limit them to the top 10.

Kinsey's Favorite Things

10. The changing of the seasons, especially Spring & Fall.
Spring in Austin, Texas (2010)

 Fall in Atlanta (2011)

9. Making jokes.
Joking (AKA Grinching) at Christmas.

Joking (AKA crazy) at Graduation.

Joking (AKA moustaching) with my sister-in-laws at my bachelorette.

Joking (AKA vomming) at Six Flags.

8. Coffee. Kind of ironic, especially after this post a while back. Since I've started drinking it, I just can't stop. I like my coffee dark with one spoonful of REAL sugar and two 'bloops' of creamer.
 Check out this adorable mini coffee cup!

7. Nail polish. I've posted about it quite a few times, most notably here and here. I'm not a super 'girly' girl, but I do love me some nail polish.
 Check it.

6. Crafting and DIY. I like making all sorts of things, mostly because I'm cheap.
 One of my most recent crafts, the felt rose wreath.

 Another seasonal project, the fall leaf garland.

5. Baking. I have more baking supplies than is normal or acceptable.
 My pride and joy, homemade oreos.

Another favorite, rich chocolate brownies.

4. Reading. I mean, look at the excitement on my face when I received my Kindle. I've also posted about reading here.
 Actually, my look is more of pain and fear. Janie, however, looks excited.

3. Blogging/reading blogs/using the Internet. I have been called an addict. No shame.
 Aside from this blog, there isn't a lot of proof of this one. There are a lot of pictures of Charlotte on my computer though.

2. Jack and Charlotte. I'm known for being an animal lover, and I like pretty much any animal I meet--but especially my own babies.

1. Thomas.

I hope you have a awesome Monday, and that you enjoy the little 'favorite things' that make life great:D

-T, K, J, & C


  1. You're one my favorite things... I mean, people!!

  2. Ditto what Andrea you guys!
